
Conditions are arguably the most powerful part of @zuze/schema. Some methods to handle conditional validations is present in virtually all schemas, but @zuze/schema aims to to boil complicated conditional logic when it comes to schema validation down to a very simple and intuitive API (especially via the AST)

Schemas can be conditional based on two properties,

  1. fields somewhere in the value being validated or
  2. context.

Both of which are accessible via refs

Creating Conditions#

There are multiple supported syntaxes to create conditions, almost all of which are based on a WTO (when-then-otherwise) concept. Arguably the easiest to understand is AST format.


when can accept two arguments, the first is a string (or an array of strings) and the second is a function that accepts the resolved values of the specified dependencies and the original schema.

const conditional = string(
conditions(when('fieldA', (fieldA, schema) => {
return fieldA >= 10 ? schema : extend(schema,tests(min(20)))
const schema = object({c:conditional})
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 10, c: 19}); // true
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 8, c: 19}); // false
// array of dependencies
const conditional = string(
conditions(when(['fieldA','fieldB'], (fieldA, fieldB, schema) => { ... }))

when can also accept an object format as it's second argument

// then or otherwise do not both need to specified, but at least one of them is required
const conditional = string(
conditions(when('fieldA', {
is: fieldA => fieldA >= 10,
otherwise: tests(min(20))
const schema = object({c:conditional})
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 10, c: 19}); // false
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 8, c: 19}); // true

AST Syntax#

The AIM of AST syntax is to be extremely readable:

const conditional = createSchema({
schema: 'string',
tests: ['required'],
conditions: [
// if the value at fieldA does not pass these validators
when: { fieldA: { tests: [['min',10]] } },
// ... add in the following AST schema definition
otherwise: { tests: [['min',20]] }
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 10, c: 19}); // false
isValidSync(schema, {fieldA: 8, c: 19}); // true

conditions is an array and you can create as many conditions as you need. They will be evaluated in the order they were added to the SchemaDefinition.


A ref (i.e. reference) is a pointer to a sibling/ancestor in the value that is being validated or a value from context. They are used in validators (where supported) and to resolve conditional schemas.

Refs are also accessed via the path notation using getter from property-expr

schema: 'string',
tests: [['is', { ref: '$ctx.prop' }]]


Sibling references are accessed by specifying the object property.

schema: 'object',
shape: {
fieldA: {
tests: [['oneOf', [{ ref: 'fieldB' }, { ref: 'fieldC' }]]]
fieldB: { schema: 'string' },
fieldC: {
schema: 'object',
shape: {
fieldD: { schema: 'string' }


Context can also be used to resolve conditions. Context is accessed using a special prefix ($ by default, but this can be changed by setting the contextPrefix option when casting/validating a schema).

schema: 'string',
conditions: [
when: { '$ctx.prop': { tests: [['is',5]] } },
then: { tests: [['min',5]] },
otherwise: { tests: [['min', {ref:'$ctx.otherProp'}]]}

Relative Refs (!)#

Relative refs allow access to ancestors schemas/values from a child schema. They are defined by prefixing with a ref with a .. Every . in the prefix goes up "one level" of schema.

Casting the below object schema results in the following output:

fielda: {
field1: {
field1: 'bill',
field2: 'joe'
field3: {
field4: 'joe'
field5: 'joe'
schema: 'object',
shape: {
fielda: {
schema: 'object',
shape: {
field1: {
schema: 'object',
shape: {
field1: { default: 'bill' },
field2: { default: { ref: '.field3.field4' } }
field3: {
schema: 'object',
shape: {
field4: { default: { ref: '..field5' } }
field5: {
default: 'joe'