Creating Schemas

About Schemas#

A SchemaDefinition looks, quite literally, like this:

default?: value | Function; // default value for this schema if the value is undefined
meta?: value | Function;
label?: string | Function;
shape?: {[key: string]: SchemaDefinition }; // for object schemas
of?: SchemaDefinition; // for array schemas
typeCheck?: Function; // determines if the final cast value (after transformations) is the appropriate type
typeError: string | Function; // error message/message function on validation if value doesn't pass the typeCheck
test: ValidatorDef[]; // validations to be run
transform: TransformFn[]; // transforms applied (usually to coerce values)
condition: ConditionDef[]; // conditions that can be used to modify a schema
nullable: boolean; // whether or not null is an acceptable value for this schema

SchemaDefinitions can be created using AST or functionally with the help of utility methods

import { ast } from '@zuze/schema'
const { createSchema } = ast;
const firstName = {
schema: 'string',
default: 'joe', // default value for this field is joe
nullable: false,
label: 'firstName',
tests: ['required'],
when: { lastName: { tests: [['is', 'smith']] } }, // if the lastName field is smith...
then: { tests: [['min', 10]] }, // then this field should be at least 10 characters
otherwise: { tests: [['min', 20]] } // otherwise it only needs to be 5 characters
const lastName = { schema: 'string' }
const form = {
schema: 'object',
shape: { firstName, lastName }
const formSchema = createSchema(form);

Partial Definitions#

A partial schema definition is just that, it is some part of the object that makes up a whole schema definition. The following would be partial schema definitions:

const label = { label:'joe' };
const nullable = { nullable: true };
const meta = { meta: { someKey: 'some value'} };

Partial definitions can be passed as arguments to any schema constructor. @zuze/schema supplies (sometimes trivial) utility methods to construct partial defintions for you:

import { mixed, label, def } from '@zuze/schema';
mixed(label('my string'), def('joe'));
// is equivalent to
mixed({ label: 'my string', default: 'joe' })

For further information see the schemas api