
Sync vs Async#

Almost all validation methods in @zuze/schema come in two flavors, async (default) and sync. Take a look at the api schemas api for more information.

Error Messages#

Error messages can be configured in several ways.

Global Error Messages#

Error messages are passed as the message ValidationOption.

Default error messages are defined below.

Global error messages are simply defined as a map where the keys can be

  • ${schemaType}.${validatorName}
  • ${validatorName}
  • default

You can override global error messages like this:

const messages = {
`required`: 'This field is required',
`string.required`: 'This string is required',
validateSync(string(required()), { messages }); // ValidationError: This string is required
validateSync(number(required()), { messages }); // ValidationError: This field is required

Option to Validator#

Almost all validators accept message as a parameter in the last argument.

This can be used to configure specific error messages for a given validator:

firstName: string(tests(min(5, { message: 'You have a really short first name' }))),
lastName: string(label('Last Name'), tests(min(5)));
firstName: 'You have a really short first name,
lastName: 'Last Name must not be shorter than 5 characters

As functions#

Both global and validator specific error messages can be specified as functions or strings that can be interpolated.

By default label and path are provided as interpolation parameters. All over validators provide their own interpolation parameters specific to the validator (you can always override/extend these params using the params option to a validator).

As strings#

When supplying error messages as strings values inside ${} are interpolated.

Note: Do NOT put your message in backticks ``` if it is a string, this will treat it as a template literal which results in immediate interpolation rather than at validation time.

Default validation messages#

default: '${label} is invalid',
required: '${label} is required',
between: '${label} must be between ${low} and ${high}',
defined: '${label} must be defined',
different: '${label} cannot be the same as ${value}',
same: '${label} must be the same as ${value}',
not: '${label} must not be ${value}',
is: '${label} must be ${value}',
includes: '${label} must include ${value}',
matches: '${label} must match ${regexp}',
'${label} must be a ${schema} type, unable to coerce/use value ${value}',
oneOf: ({ label, values }) =>
`${label} must be ${
values.length === 1 ? values[0] : `one of ${values.join(', ')}`
notOneOf: ({ label, values }) =>
`${label} must not be ${
values.length === 1 ? values[0] : `one of ${values.join(', ')}`
email: '${label} must be a valid e-mail address',
'string.max': '${label} must not be longer than ${max} characters',
'string.min': '${label} must not be shorter than ${min} characters',
'string.between': '${label} must be between ${low} and ${high} characters',
'date.max': ({ label, max }) =>
`${label} must not be after ${max.getTime ? max.toISOString() : max}`,
'number.max': '${label} must be no more than ${max}',
'array.max': '${label} must have no more than ${max} items',
'array.between': '${label} must have between ${low} and ${high} items',
'date.min': ({ label, min }) =>
`${label} must be after ${min.getTime ? min.toISOString() : min}`,
'array.min': '${label} must have at least ${min} items',
'number.min': '${label} must be no less than ${min}'